It was one of those days -- where just one more thing...
On any given day at any given time it takes just one more thing added to my thoughts or activities (read: added confusion) which sends an imperative note to self, any critical task or item of relative significance to life out the other side of my brain.
I can’t be the only one who feels like this? (But, really I don’t want to know if I am – just in case it’s that one additional thing which will kick an important thought out – you see: I needed to pick up payroll!)
When a brain is full of many things that need to get done, put on, picked up, cleaned, typed, read, moved, delivered, purchased, and places to be at certain times, not to mention… people to call, text and email (ohh and a blog… to write) -- one should not risk losing a single thought to allow distractination .
This was a particularly crazy day (it was last week, although it took me awhile to blog/admit this in writing) – Dory showed up numerous times (although humorous, she was not particularly helpful).
This is how it all began:
Woke up late
(yes, I heard the alarm – but being SO tired I hit snooze a “few” times too many)
Took a quick shower
(*beep* – heard text message alert on cell phone)
Applied body lotion
(legs can’t look crocodile-ish… eww )
Dried Hair
(*press* – read text message)
Applied make-up
(*send* – reply to text message)
[Note to self: ignore text messaging you’re late: *beep* Ohhh, another one… must read message – no get dressed first – want to read – must dress – ok, just this one.]
Dressed for workout
(glad I picked matching outfit night before) *beep* *press*
Remembered socks, shoes *send*
(yes, did forget these once – toes felt curiously cold walking to the car… in flip flops)
Rushed to pack (read: stuff clothes quickly into) my gym bag
(work today means presto chang-o from workout girl to employee)
Zipped through the kitchen for an energy drink & food bar
(skipped the vitamins – I’m late, King’s waiting) *beep*press*send*
[Note to self: Call doctor about addiction to text messaging … can’t seem to ignore phone.
*beep* Hey, look – a text message must read – no drive first – want to read – wait @ stop light – ok, just this one.]
Only 5 (8) minutes late – whew!! Not too bad.
(Put cell phone in purse … on vibrate)
Drove to gym safely; similar to a speed demon with an adrenaline rush
(I love my new car – weird; this speedometer doesn’t have 5’s, round to 70)
**Reminder to self:
- Check business mailbox after workout on way to work.
- Pick up payroll on the way to work.
* * * * Whew!! Great workout day! power zone over. * * * *
Presto Chang-o time !!!
Nice – no more rushing – all is going well…
(hmm, where’s my black… uh-ohhh, wait too many black things … well I’m sure I packed it)
First thought -- this is NOT good, NOT funny.
Having very strong suspicion that one particular item (which is black and supportive in nature) may actually be missing-in-action; I'm presuming it’s fallen to the bench or maybe I put my towel over it… calmly looking through the bag (again).
Checking again - nope not seeing it (third time in this case, is NOT a charm – or charming – or cute even).
I'm somewhat frantic now – I begin re-inventorying
(yes, I’m in a locker room still awaiting attire … well, I can’t put anything else on as habitually this goes first).
Shaking out individual items now: pants, top, panties, shoes (nice shoes… really like these)… nope not here.
Certainly time is of the essence I will be late for my entire day if I don’t proceed to dress.
FINE!!! I must submit to the fate – my black, upwardly-supportive item is NOT in the bag, or on the floor, or in my purse, or - well - anywhere here at the gym…
*** At this very moment my amazing, most incredible, brain flashed the picture of where the comfy, black, upwardly-supportive item sat; there at the foot of my bed as I scooped all the clothes from the right side, placing - well, cramming quickly - (since I was late) the outfit of the day, along with open-toed lovely high heeled black shoes (I get warm fuzzies when I talk about shoes) – ahhh -- breathe, all is well, at least I packed my shoes!
I might get arrested wearing just those, amazing, beautiful, black peek-a-boo, shoes … so I opted for that extra black tank from my bag ... pulled on my top (without the MIA comfy, black, upwardly-supportive item) finished dressing (aww, but I remembered my ankle bling);
Walked out to my car with sweater secured around my shoulders
(what a bright, warm completely hectic morning)
* * * * Heading to office now * * * *
No worries – the guys rarely leave the job site to visit the office … =)
I'm only 8 (10) minutes late - whew!
**Reminder to self:
- Check business mailbox on way to work. – CHECK!
(oh look, a Verizon store – I need a new headset – I'd better do that now)
- Replace headset @ Verizon – CHECK!
Where am I going from here?
What’s next – there's just one more thing ...
Ohhh, look a Starbucks – THANK GOD I could use a latte.
(better text that I'm coming in late)
Text to Boss "B @ offc in 10 - am l8" *send*
*beep*press* Boss says: "Y - U 4get pyroll?"
Text to Boss: "getn pyroll now! *send*
Turn around a mile from office – no time for a latte!! grrrr
Pick up payroll -- maybe they have something in black too?
Go to office with payroll; smile sheepishly about MIA black item; still desperately craving a latte!!
Yeah, that’s it – just one more thing . . .