
I live with boys…

Isn't that backwards? It sure seems backwards to me, since I’m the one who has a job, buys groceries and pays the rent, etc.   Truthfully, the boys own the majority of the landscape: ownership identified by quantity of Lego bricks, Hot Wheels, Dr. Seuss & Berenstain Bears books, backpacks, and MAN-sized shoes spread on the floor.

Yes, surprisingly enough with the neck brace gone – the clutter has returned (along with random, a-hem “demands”).  What’s with the thought that Mom (sitting the farthest from the kitchen) is the logical choice to get you another drink to go with the snack she managed to make just before collapsing?  Exactly!  A simple smile spoke – oh, I’ll get it myself.

We’ve all had that feeling – the one where you hold in the sarcastic remark to say something that sounds polite. 

It happened last night for me.  I gave a rather polite response (with mental irritation hanging heavy on my tongue pressing it back until I nearly gagged); I thought nothing of it…


Jason asked what was wrong and why was I using “that” voice.  Innocently, I inquired what he meant – uhh, “what WAS I thinking?”


He proceeded to identify THAT voice as my “tell” for frustration, disapproval or annoyance.

“When you sound like that there’s usually something wrong.  But I’m doing my homework; I put down the Gameboy when you asked.  What’s bothering you?”


Okay.  Flashback.  

 I remember as a new mom… there were precious moments when looking at his adorable little dimpled face, thinking – 

"I can’t wait for the day you can communicate with me."


Of course, I was referring to “ma-ma” and “I wuv you”  

NOT this intellectual inquisition of the state of my mental affairs because I’m “sounding” a little off my “Sweet Mom” game. 


Turns out – he accurately deciphered my “tell”.   I am not a poker face (voice) Mom.   I don’t even win at Uno.

A voice tell – who knew?  I was trying to be nice and the act of holding back what my boys and I call “harsh words” I was using the “strong tone” which sounds like grinding fingernails on construction paper (they don’t have chalkboards, so they describe it as they ‘hear’ it).


In the sense of parenting I’m quite proud of the fact that the boys feel they can openly discuss life and have input in how these conversations take place in our home.  We use a lot of word pictures to describe emotions and behavior.  The key is to know each other well enough to create the word pictures from actual events –that’s how we get very impactful responses. 


At times, I ignore the clutter and boy landscape in trade for reading on the couch and playing (losing) games on the carpet … careful not to lean on Lego bricks.


But there are limits.  Recently after looking at the floor – I shared that I felt sad; inquiring minds wanted to know why?  I pointed out that apparently the surviving Bionicles forgot to bury their dead after the battle – where’s the honor in that?   Groan    


Holy Bionicles Batman ... it looks brutal.

An hour later the Lego body-removal vehicle was finally assembled and began it's work.

Tomorrow I’m going to wear the neck brace.  



Wait . . . ok now!

I expected the shock that I blogged to take a second to connect with reality ~ that pause was for you!
Yes, there is a valid reason for not posting anything for a while ...
There are no pictures to prove it, but the neck brace clashes with most everything I wear.   And I'm not allowed to even think about wearing workout clothes.  
It hurts.  
Laughing ... hurts.
Like the funny comment I heard at work the other day "so that must be a pain in the butt"  {not really, but it sure is a pain in the neck}.
So, to the point quickly I will arrive as I only have so many pain free moments to sit at the computer and I use most of them during my 8 hour work day.
Long story short -- my boy (5'2-ish,  115 lb) Jason is ticklish.  When below him do not attempt to tickle him anywhere near his knees, as he will lose control and fall limply on your head/neck hyper-flexing it beyond it's natural curve {much like a whip lash - only backwards} which will leave you teary-eyed and dizzy on the floor.  All the while you are trying to make it seem that you are "fine, just fine" so he is not feeling guilty for nearly ripping your head from your neck and continue encouraging him ~ "love you, Buddy"... ouch.  "Yes, I'm fine or going to be ... I think??"
Interesting things have happened since then.  One curious thing is that the Legos get picked up every single day.  Seriously folks - this has "never" (not an exaggeration) EVER happened before.   The first moment of amazing Lego feats was the first night I wore my neck brace.
After my visit to the chiropractor, my young son, Jeffrey (guilt-free as he only ran at full speed and leapt into my lap before his brother took me down)...  worked diligently to surprise me with the toy-free clean bedroom floor; he proudly walked me in holding my hand saying "see Mom, now you can tuck us in without looking down at the floor" {which could not be done before -- well, I could look for it, but actually seeing the floor...  ohh colorful bricks were so distracting I'd forget what I was looking for.}
Let's see next was the night they took care of their night time routine (without direction), including clean teeth, journal and reading time and they were in bed awaiting tuck-in "on time".  As if this is not enough to immediately sit down and blog ...  wait, there's more.
Tonight, not only did I face the normal homework/dinner/life routine, but I was put on task as the parent responsible for getting Jason to his (unscheduled) basketball practice and somehow still find time/energy to make a dessert promised by boys for the food drive bake sale at work tomorrow.  
Uggh!    My pain was significantly high today.  If there were a little grimacing face indicative of pain level (like at the hospital or doctor's office) -- I would be scowling and whining to be sure it was clear to what extent my pain had increased.  grrr.
Here's what I know... Moms do everything they can do make other people's lives easier.  Hoping that one day those around her will learn that there is joy in doing for others {without being asked, that is}.  
So upon my kind of whiny, but still consultant sounding voice indicating how little time we had to accomplish all that needed to get done, Jason stepped into the kitchen and immediately began to plan dinner.   I'm still amazed myself, but totally blessed and grateful.  He took hamburger from the fridge, taco seasoning, found taco shells, cheese, lettuce and other fixings -- he asked for help with the pan/stove part and the de-greasing -- he cooked and served (even presented his brother options) and offered a perfect sounding "order up" as he slid the plates to the table.  Wow!!!  
It made less sense than ever that after such a lovely act of self-lessness and cooking for us... that I could still be so frustrated and exhausted.  My long-suffering was short-fused.  Jason could tell ~ he leaned in with a pucker and said "It's okay, you can kiss me now, Mom.  We kissed, and hugged."  
Even with such joy in his loving acts; at some point I just gave up and my matter-of-fact, tired sounding voice rang out that boys didn't need to help with baking ~ they could simply get ready for bed and leave the dishes, and everything else {honestly a glass of wine and silence was my hope}... but instead they kicked into gear.  
My sweet, incredible boys insisted on baking the dessert - cleaning out and refilling the dishwasher; they cleaned off the table and at some point when I wasn't looking they returned the Lego's to the bins or shelves to be found later.  
So, although I may be delayed in writing my blog about these things, now you can be sure that I am well cared for during my recovery. 
Oh, and next time I will remember to move quickly before the big kid lands!!    Yikes.


My Post-its don’t rhyme…

There was a pink Post-it to remind me to blog;

… a second covered it with: "U need to JOG"

soon a third took over – "I love you!" it read.

…so priceless; he wrote it in permanent red.

Next, clearing my desk to locate a mouse or that pen

… I found this sweet Post-it with scribbles AND then…

I uncovered the second which was WAY overdue

… a sigh did escape as below Post-it two


I'd almost forgotten why I sat in this place

… it's a BLOG I must write and begin it post-haste!!


So tonight I deliver my Post-it Note blues

… it's all that I've got except for great shoes!!



Yikes!! Seriously blog friends, I need help.

[If you switch that around a bit it reads:

Blog Friends, I seriously need help. Yikes!]

Funny how true it is???


Dr. Seuss and I could never agree…

I mix it all up and toss it like Yahtzee!

So sorry – my mind won't release the rhyme

Uhhh, I'm going to go to bed now . . .

until   N E X T   t i m e!