
the Four C's ...

Caffeine, Computer, Cell phone...  Cat?

It's a given ... I must have my coffee!!

... and while drinking such delightful liquid I stand at my computer and peruse (aka stalk) my friends' posts on Facebook -- well, I was going to suggest that I blog ... but we'd all know the frequency of that... is just not worth mentioning!!

I always try to keep my cell phone nearby ... as it seems to never buzz or ring or anything while I've got it in hand or next to my workstation - it typically waits til I'm far away and miss calls or texts. 

At least I know I can stalk ahem, read FB posts and friends' blogs :)  without interruption.

Then there's THE cat ... 
Millie, currently is displaying separation anxiety...
and feels as close as my fingerprints. 
Her favorite alpha male has been away 
- helping my bro' after surgery... home repairs,
roof tear off/install and a new storage building 

However, since I have become the most important person in Millie's (aka person with thumbs who can open the magic door get cat food & treats) ... she has taught me the language of cats.

hello?  ... dish  IS  empty!!  

there... that's the cat food
ok, put a scoop onto my dish
                  ... um, I'm a cat.  I eat. Mmm Mmm    

                  ... next, I sleep. 

end of story


Done before 11pm ...

Tigard High School 

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