
Merry Christmas

Blessings for a wonderful day to celebrate with family.


Got power ?

... many thanks to a few diagnostic friends and Sweet-T's extra power supply (stripped from an unused computer in the garage) ...
my computer LIVES again -- whoo hoo!
I'm so glad to have my computer in tact. Hmm, could it be that simple? I sometimes feel like my power supply is zapped -- are there extras anywhere for me? If only it were that easy... hah!
No worries though, I believe my technology is fully functional (monitor is still working). More than I can say for my eyes which feel rather scratchy right now.
Well -- I am ignoring my need for a new cell phone and headset. It's just gona have to wait a while.
One big relief was that the school photo discs were ejected unscathed (since the drives locked down when my computer died, slight concern for photos disc noted).
Here they are -- Jason and Jeffrey 2009
YES, really, it's them. I keep testing their history to be sure they are mine; it seems only yesterday they were a mere 6 and 9. But, here before you is a 12 year old Jason (whose sometimes I'd say was preparing for college) and Jeffrey who is 9 (and seems much more like a teen than I'd expect). I'm glad it's just them as I'm not getting older -- I figure with age, it's a calendar and I'm turning the page.
Some presents are wrapped and the tree's decorated.
The computer is humming a quiet, steady (sans clicking) tune. My brain however is in need of some sleep.
Thanks for being there for me my techie friends -- love ya!!


Cannot Compute...

I'm borrowing a laptop for this post, which has generously been loaned to me by Sweet-T (many thanks).
A power outage did the big TKO countdown on my computer this weekend. Although, it was a peaceful 7 hours of candles, blankets, chinese take-out, and starbucks (yeah weird, but I couldn't make my latte in the morning -- it had to be done).
Learning that my monitor outlived my CPU - creepy, yet mildly humorous and a bit ironic, ya think?
Its late, I'm overwhelmed with what's still not done, yet clearly I'm cyber twiddling with my blog (also facebook and my email).
What's that all about anyway??
Is it addiction ~ insanity ~ avoidance ~ distraction ....
does anyone really know... or care?
Being optimistic -- let's just say that I cared enough about my blogger friends to spend a few minutes ignoring the chaos to let you know I'm ok!!
Well then -- check that off the list! Now I have to go panic about the rest (or sleep, yeah, that's another option).


Save the spray for other spots ...

everything has God's fingerprints on it!
Although it seemed like a normal morning when the alarm sounded... my pounding headache suggested that today could be "one of those days". I immediately (after the 2nd snooze) drug my body off the bed with half open eyes found my way to the kitchen drawer where the powerful gel caps for migraines/tension/stop-the-pounding-in-my-head medicine resides.
I swallowed them down rather easily, by-passing the need for my usual "control-the-gag reflex" self-talk routine necessary to consume my daily vitamins. It may even have helped that I drank an energy drink with high concentration of vitamin B and proprietary herbs... wait now, these are the healthy kind of herbs people (certainly legal in any quantity)!!
BEEEP, BEEEP, BEEEP ... Al-righty then, another alarm sounds -- time for the boys to get up. Must skip espresso routine. Notice the empty kitchen sink. Turn light on in boys room down the hall. Notice the time. Wonder how it took 30 minutes to get pain killer and go back to take a shower? Hmmm, the mysteries of a Thursday morning.
God's fingerprints are in the smiling kitchen sink on a 2-snooze, need pain killer, no-latte morning.
Then came breakfast... while the boys ate, I struggled to cleanly cut the Magic Cookie Bar Treats I made last night for Thursday Treats at the office.
Being a tiny bit concerned about a successful outcome, I took my sample bite (honestly, I didn't followed the recipe 'exactly' -- I "guess-ti-mated" the amount of chocolate chips and coconut to sprinkle on top.)
After eating my sample, I announced to the tall young man who was now standing over my treat dish -- "uh-oh, Jason, I think there's too much chocolate."
To which he replied: "Mom, there can never be too much chocolate!"
"True, but you deserve a taste to decide for yourself" -- I handed him a small portion and watched with interest as he portrayed all the facial expressions and mouth movements of a professional bakery taster savoring the distinctive flavors and preparing to critique the pastry chef.
"Well, I have to agree, the chocolate overpowers the flavor of the coconut; maybe you should follow the recipe next time, Mom -- there would be more balance."
I was so impressed and befuddled that I gave him another one and said -- "good plan, we'll go with that."
God's fingerprints are in the beauty of 'graceful suggestion' rather than critical words.
Last night Jeffrey wanted to make cupcakes (announcing his dislike for coconut in my recipe). So he gathered the cake mix, bowl, eggs and measured the ingredients. He mixed it together by hand and then with a mixer until the batter was just right. We set the temperature together and I helped with pouring and oven placement. Then he watched the timer, waiting patiently for his reward -- a beautifully browned bunch of cup cakes fresh from the oven!
"Can we eat one tonight?" he asked hopefully. As tough as it was, I said he should wait until morning and have one with breakfast instead.
Morning had come, breakfast was eaten, cleaning routine completed and he had observed his brother consume two bites of chocolate coconut treats already. A if on cue, Jeffrey requested permission to taste his own cupcake, with a nod of my head, he quickly peeled the wrapper and began to enjoy the fruits of his labor (he even offered one to his brother).
He giggled with joy after bite number two and sweetly brought his half eaten piece to me for a taste -- usually I decline cake, but he was so adorable about making it -- I couldn't refuse him the pleasure.
I made a big deal out of that bite -- and to my taste buds surprise he had secretly dropped chocolate chips into the center of each cupcake before baking!
He was so delighted with his mouth-watering goodness he announced (as proof) -- "see, Mom, there can never be too much chocolate!!!"
God's fingerprints are on hidden greatness in the center of something simply "good."
The work day seemed to drag on slowly. The boys will not be home until Sunday. My emails lurk with unresolved status. It's cold outside. The snow flurries are expected for this weekend.
My headache is gone. Ornaments viewed during lunch bring words of faith, hope, blessing, grace and "believe." The day seemed to end quickly. A phone call creates an unexpected opportunity to see the boys. My friends bring smiles through personal visits, email encouragement and long calls filled with laughter. What a blessed day.
Just when I think I'm in a sticky spot, needing some spray to clean up what I view as a mess; I'm reminded to stop for a second to breathe in the beauty of the moment. I begin to relax and soon I'm whispering "thanks, God for leaving your fingerprints on my day!"
God is the midst of every day - touching each event - leaving His fingerprints throughout moments in my world.