
It happened while I was driving ...

THINKING of random, yet important things, when I can't write 'em down.

Silly, but it happens all the time.  Whenever I'm in the car I have incidental thoughts of greatness (quotable stuff), sometimes I remember the date to an important event, or think of the critical items to bring with me to a meeting.

Heavy sigh...  what's a girl to do.   {Get a personal assistant to take notes in the car?}

Speaking of 'remembering' things.  I have a to-do list that may as well be a rotating  "undone" list.   Somehow even though the things I write on my list get done -- whoosh  -- suddenly they jump back onto the list again.  It's as if I'd never checked them off!  
     {  take time to  BLOG  }      {  do your  W O R K O U T  }    {  get some S L E E P  }         {  visit F R I E N D S  }
One day (yeah, just once) I tried to prioritize my to-do's while driving. The thought that occurred  to me at that moment was about my friend.  We had not had contact since before Christmas.  This was nearly a week after New Years...  in a typical week, we might talk 3-4 times before Friday, so this revelation -- was startling to me!!

Although each task on my to-do list has importance (which is why prioritizing in the car is just wrong),  I've learned that relationships are far more important to me than tasks!   So, without hesitation, I dialed my friend's number. {While it was ringing it occurred to me that I didn't have my headset and it wasn't worth the ticket, so I pushed the speaker phone button -- you thought I'd hang up huh?)  No answer.  

Perhaps it was a bit muffled on the voice mail (since I had to tuck my flip phone in the front of my top to keep the speaker in place - hands free right?) ... but it kind of sounded like this:

       "Hi, my name is Jolene.  I am a friend-a-holic"   "It has been at least one week --
        no -- two weeks since my last contact with this friend. I find it very difficult to
        focus on my daily tasks without contact. I am having severe friend-withdrawal
        . . . please, help me.  Any contact will do: phone . email . facebook .
        blog comment ...    aauuughhhhh !!"

Certainly falls into the overly dramatic, I know, but an hour later she called laughing so hard she could barely say "hi is this my friend-a-holic?"  I feel much better now.

On another note - my son grew another 1/4 inch this week (he specifically asked me to check today).  He also handed me a certificate from middle school stating he was on the Principal's Honor Roll for his GPA Qtr1 (do you think, perhaps, he may have been standing a bit taller today??)   hmmm.  Does it matter?   I already look up to him.                        [sidebar ... he can reach things for me in the upper cabinets now ~ whoo hoo!].  

Not that overly dramatic is a 'chip-off-the-old-block' but... 

I made my son cry today.  Apparently the red inflammation around his wounded knee was to remain a private, understated injury and I was far too obvious in my motherly display of "Wow!  We should treat that -- how's it feeling; sure looks red today."   Tears and unintelligible comments referencing 'thinking about it again' followed by a dramatic, disgusted walk to his room where the tears flowed where he sat on the top bunk.

Honestly, I am normally more clued-in as to "why" things like that happen around here.  But this kid is as tough as nails and now -- without even touching his wound (notice we don't have "ouchies" around here... these are wounds in battle, which will become COOL scars later) I managed to get him unhinged.

Finally, when all was back to normal and book reading, couch sitting and relaxed talking resumed, I hear more whimpers -- oh, and he's looking at his knee then averting his eyes from the wound repeatedly.

Now, I simply cannot take it any more.  As tenderly and mom-like I lean forward to the blanket-wrapped boy to ask:  "so what's the deal about the knee, I don't get it."   =)    (It really was the best I could do in the moment.)

Tough boy says through the tears " I don't want them to cut my leg off Mom; you're scaring me, so stop talking about it like it's infected.  It just hurts a little."   What will the doctor do anyway?

hmmm?   I asked a few pertinent questions; cleared up a quick suspicion... (adult male humor/sarcasm at work here)  I explained first that the doctor has no intention of cutting off his leg.  Further, it's much funnier to dads/uncles/grand-pas and most any adult male to say stuff like "guess we'll have to cut it off if it's not healing" and randomly weird comments about removing appendages, limbs, and such.   

After a few kind, gentle, comforting words of assurance and a sure fire guarantee that I would allow NO ONE to cut off his leg at the knee -- we are ALL better now.  I'm sure I will blog about it again someday (a LONG time from now) when he says something similar to my grandchild... it's the circle of life.                      [sidebar ... I'm thinkin' we just found the source of three nights of nightmares, sheesh!]


I'd like to say my priority is to finish this B L O G.   But the task spelled   S L E E P   is winning out on the priority list.


Be blessed.   I'll write again soon -- next time I take a drive and think about more stuff to say!  



Welcome to 2010

Happy New Year !
A quote:
"Let every moment in every day be the best moment of your life!!"
author: Jason Lyon ~ as written to his Mom