
I simply cannot live without...

 my Dusty Puddles!!!

I giggled and smiled today as I swerved just enough for my tire to splash water over my hood from the puddle in the road.  Just as my eyes followed the water rolling off the right side of the hood, I noticed the speed limit sign and nearly laughed out loud!

These may seem random, unusual and not the common trigger for a jovial burst of smiles and laughter (odd even for an inside joke); to me these are sweet reminders of life in the form of memories.

Once I heard a radio announcer ask a caller “what is it you cannot live without for even one day?"     I think the caller answered some favorite brand of flavored coffee; he set out to prove she would survive.  Hmmm, my mind didn’t go THERE!!!  

That query stayed with me throughout the day; in quiet moments I gave myself a couple seconds to ponder, then answer… it appears there are a lot of things I can live without than not.   Many are materials things, some are tasks:  say I could live without garbage or bill paying or a few other things like that… yeah!   (Ya see, I was trying not too be deep and start listing people.)


As the puddle spluuushed and the sign read 25MPH the answer occurred to me -- I know what I couldn’t live without … MEMORIES!!!   Special moments that made me smile, giggle, or laugh.  Even those which made me weep, are to me precious gifts as I journey through life.

Which leads back to my love for Dusty n Puddles:  Da boyz (nicknames from ATVing with their Dad) read on...   you'll get it:

Jason stays ON the trails (except under duress and must travel off trail or be lost).  

Jeffrey stays OFF the trail (except under duress and must be on the trail or be lost).  

Ask Jason about the future – he says he would like to be a pastor or fly jet planes or be an architect (recently he decided he could do them all – indeed, why not?). 

Ask Jeffrey what he might like to be when he grows up – his first answer is always “I want to be ME” – then he  says “a monster truck driver!!”  

Therefore, while Jason remains relatively safe within the rules on the dry or ‘dusty’ trail;  Jeffrey finds every opportunity to skip outside the marked path and get muddy in the ‘puddles’.   =) 

So it is in life; when we travel in the car together Jason asks “Mom, are you sure you’re going the speed limit?”  Within five minutes, Jeffrey might say “Mom, run through that puddle over there” (on the opposite side of the road).  

May special memories bring a smile to your face … as you (attempt to) drive the speed limit and/or swish through the puddles of life!!!

Happy Day my friends!!


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