
Wednesday - Story - Part 2

Divine Day I have this habit of being irritatingly human – although secretly hoping for heroine. Uh-huh. Yeah. Actually, I’m known to be extremely distracted and a little bit snarky; newsflash – I admit to being human girl. (Read Tuesday's post... which was a belated posted as Blogger and I fought over PUBLISH and SAVE functions... GRR. I think I won, eventually!) I am a girl who believes (truly) knows that God has divinely designed and memorized the cover of the box for my personal puzzle called life; He created the puzzle, therefore, whether I see the big picture or not – I trust that through His eyes I can place the puzzle pieces as they were creatively designed to fit! ~ Today is Wednesday. Different from recent mornings, and specifically last night, Wednesday began easily. I felt fresh, aware and rested. Pressure relief valve must have been installed during sleep. Whew. It’s true – no heaviness or residual worries from Tuesday’s questions, frustrations or unaddressed decisions; no concerns for the weight of the world to-do list that nearly crushed me. A moment of thanks for relief… God is good. Remember this – you always have a choice – it is a gift. I choose life! I choose blessings. I choose gratitude. I choose a heroine attitude. I choose to accept any challenge that dare face me today!! Divine awakening. ~ Whoo Hoo!! It’s a new day, a new attitude, a new affirmation. After all, I trust God for all things in my life – they are all in His control. Heard the saying… let go, let God? I’m living it. Divide attitude. ~ My day continued… On task and on-time, I left for my workout. Bonus – I remembered, ahem, everything necessary for the day. I began driving my route to the gym. After a quick push of the radio button and a momentary wait for a song to begin… my index finger hovered over the preset buttons – just in case I felt fickle about the music, style or artist or words – I waited a moment to decide about this song. After the first stanza; I was engaged... I choose to listen:
“Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning? and Who told the ocean you can only come this far? and Who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening? Whose words alone can catch a falling star?”
As her voice that rang out these words – it was as close to being with angels as I could imagine; she sang with such melodious power and grace; I allowed myself to concentrate on the words of the song. Touched to the core of my being by the words, the affirmations, the truths – I felt transported onto a glorious cloud – as if experiencing the song through soul, not ears. Incredible!! Tears trickled down my cheeks as I heard the words of the song uphold all that I believe – the decisions I have to make are miniscule compared with what it took to create my world. Oh, the power to place the universe in order… {I’m silently relieved that my instinct to change stations was reversed by my spirit’s voice – “wait for it, listen for it… peace will come.”} Divine thought. Be still and know He is God! Psalm 46:10 ~ I was still covered by goose bumps head to toe when I arrived and parked my car; I couldn’t turn it off until the last note gently returned my blessed encouraged and fulfilled soul back to my driver’s seat. Wow. Again. WOW!!! The DJ’s voice now announcing Nicole Mullen as the artist; I commit to download her song tonight. Divine song. After another genuine thank you spoken aloud to God for loving me through song… I walked inside the gym to workout, not quite the same person I was when I awoke 2 hours earlier. AND happy to be a little early! ~ Leaving the gym I drove to work (no errands today). In route, my thoughts focused on a good friend of mine… oddly enough I began an inner conversation – thinking it would be good share my latest journey; share about the song; and also ask her opinion on a few undecided things; hmm... Later though. A couple hours into my workday, where strangely, I was not alone (rudely confirmed by the excessive noise from the crew sanding in the back room). It was difficult to even hear the radio. Two of the three owners appeared and departed. Yet, I remained surprisingly focused. It seemed I would finish work early today, nice. Shortly before leaving, my phone rang – smiling as I answered; I’m not surprised that it’s the friend I was planning to call later. It’s that kind of day. Our conversation was brief. She had news to share. I talked about the song – she is close friends with the artist. I’m delighted to hear her story of Nicole. I asked my questions – received her great insight; we arranged to email on another topic and said goodbye. This was an appointment of spirit collaboration and certainly not coincidence! I needed to hear the confidence she shared in answering my questions. What blessings I’ve received today! Divine conversation. ~ Night falls. I remain amazed by Wednesday’s divine events. Briefly I recalled a number of choices that allowed for a puzzle piece of life to be discovered and placed into its divine location of life's puzzle. “As if by design,” I giggle knowing it was ALL about me today. Sometimes God hears the pray of a human girl and creates a day for a heroine. Divine relief. ~ I choose to walk courageously through life. Living in the moment, for the future. I commit to let go of the past and let God select the future piece of the puzzle for placement! Just like that sleep is close and I rest my head on my purple pillow - relieved to know that the weight of the world was not mine to carry anyway. Human girl, living heroine-like on a Divine day.


  1. *sigh* "the weight of the world was not mine to carry anyway"...It brought tears to my eyes. No joke.
    What a contrast to Part 1.

    I love it when I can see that God has carried me.

    I am so blessed by your being placed in my life! I glad you are one of my puzzle pieces.


  2. thanks... I'm glad you are one of mine too! God knows how to fit friend pieces together quite well -- am happy to be sharing the puzzle.


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