
Tuesday... Wednesday ...

Is today Thursday ??

Because I just don't know.

Hey, look a calendar. Okay. So it's barely Thursday.

Routines are good. They remind of where you are going to be on a given day.

Only, when something messes up the routine ~ there's mental chaos.

I will not make light of my kid's fever. He's miserable.

Therefore... I am miserable.

I am living through the moments. Recounting what I can remember.

As it seems the week is more than half over and I missed it.

The thermometer thing - that's getting old. (he's nearly 11, yes orally)

He's too sick to eat - how disappointing (I'm too tired to cook anyway)!

Jeffrey may have only had carrots and milk for dinner - oh, he had ranch dressing too.

At 5'-1' sick kid is curled in a ball on the couch - poor little guy.

Now his throat hurts and he can't swallow tiny fever reducer/pain relievers - the liquid made him gag (and... ack. me too).

He is worried that his spelling words are still at school - I email his teacher; she's proud of his dedication.

What now ... freaky dreams; he refuses audibly to go with me - fears that I'm taking him to an undisclosed location - he doesn't remember the next morning.

Such empathy from his little brother - this is so rare, I watch - amazed (until my eyes slam shut from lack of sleep).

Sleep patterns ... what patterns? He's awake from 4am - 7am; nice nap on the couch at noon though.

Workout? What workout - I don't even know which direction to turn today; last I heard it was left... but that was yesday, no Tuesday.

Somewhere between then and now Monday became . . . um.

What day is it again?


1 comment:

  1. I feel for you kiddo.

    Have to get out this weekend and enjoy one of tha last sunny warm weekends for a while.

    Be thinking happy thoughts for you



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