
My life of celebrity...

Blogger friends.  
I know you've been waiting with a proverbial worm on your tongue (baited breath, pft)...
So I've taken the liberty to upload the latest photos by the paparazzi.
Adoring fans reading a Christmas book. 
My co-stars in their premier... 
Snow Day ~ School's OUT!!!
                                                             Oops, how'd this get in here
...it's the cute guy in our props department!
My guess - a dill pickle lunch for my laundry guy.
The local 5th grade Blazers basketball game. 
No photography allowed... 
a bad day for paparazzi
So far I had   
successfully eluded those darn cameras...
oh well.
But seriously, folks...   
they caught me typing this blog.
Sheesh... how hard can it be to airbrush the photos!!!
Just another day in the life of a celeb!!  


  1. *swoon* I never knew you were so famous....LOL!

  2. This is fun! My favorite is you reading to the boys. It's a picture-perfect moment for sure. (Musta been airbrushed, hunh?)

  3. Thank you, thank you!

    ya know, I kind of wish I had a stencil to air brush my skin care & make up on my face in the morning! tee hee ~ I'd get an extra 5 (ok 10} minutes of sleep anyway!

    (ps: did you know that if you sleep with your make up on it ages your skin faster? Small celebrity beauty tip!)


Whaddya thinkin?