
Huh? it's Monday...

I know this is cheezy and weird... 
I'm really feeling foggy today ... 
Jason took this picture.
We thought it was a good description of me today!! 
tee hee . . . 
hey, if nothing else, it made you smile!
Happy Monday!!   


  1. I think today was a good day. It may have had it's ups and downs. It could have been better or worse, but all in all it was a good day. God graced this shell with the courage to breath once again. It was sunny outside for a brief moment... Crisp and bone chillingly cold but still sunny. I'm thinkin' I have a lot of peppers hanging on the wall. My desk is a mess. The coffee I made is really strong.

    I think the future is what we make of it and if we don't make something of it someone else will. If we don't like what tomorrow brings we have only ourselves to blame for not making today all that it could be so tomorrow will be better.

    I still think the center of a tootsie roll pop needs to be made of something other than a tootsie roll so we could actually find out how many licks it takes to get to the center. (I keep biting mine)

    Warm sunshine needs to be shared with someone you love. Just like your favorite warm beverage.

    Fuzzy socks on a cold day will always warm the heart.

    Whaddya thinkin?

  2. I'm thinkin' you have a lot to say... and I haven't even had a latte today!!

  3. You are funny. I am thinking that. Hope the fog cleared. Maybe a quadruple latte would help?

  4. Yummy!! Sounds just right to me! =)

  5. I'm craving sugary pastries.

  6. I have a head cold and can relate to your fuzziness!

    How many Tootsie Pops did Tony eat anyway? LOL!

  7. I can't remember but I do know that after the first couple they all start to taste the same.


Whaddya thinkin?