
Branded by product or rebel for health!

In church today the minister quoted a bumper sticker:   
   “Jesus would’ve used his turn signal
Which is what reminded me of Starbucks.

Okay, perhaps that’s a big stretch for you  – but just about anything can remind me of that delightful aroma of coffee brewing and the hope that I can fill my personal Starbucks cup with a delectable 16oz,  two Splenda iced latte … 

Uhh, are you following me?   

Now I’m feeling guilty that you might not be able to track how I got from turn signals to Starbucks …

Let me start again… it goes like this: 

I like lattes! During the week, I frequent a particular Starbucks; due to my full time job I have only 15 minutes for a break and must travel quickly to my destination a few blocks down the road.
About the third time I was there – standing in line – one of our county Sheriffs noticed me; he approached me by asking what I do for my employer; he addressed the agency by name, which he recognized the department from my security lanyard -- which explains why he was rather direct (a bit of a relief after all, as I was feeling somewhat uneasy that he was staring so intently at my … ummm  navel).
Any who – we’ve since said hello a number of times while getting coffee;  even sat to visit once while awaiting my latte with a co-worker.  Sheriff *Starr drives an unmarked vehicle – I know this because I saw him pull a guy over on my way to work one day (* not his real name, but given where we met, it’s apropos).
He’s apparently noticed what I drive too; I proved this last week.  As I was leaving work (with my window down enjoying the sun), I made a left turn headed toward home, while listening to my radio and beginning to make a call to my dad (using my headset of course). 
It was at that very moment a familiar car pulled up next to me.  What a surprise –it was Sheriff Starr – he called out to me through his passenger window “HELLO!!”  followed by  “you know, last I recall, turn signals are still required at that intersection!”   
OOPS!!!   =0) 
 “ Ohh, of course!   Hi ~ it’s so nice to see you … I’ll remember that!”   I called back, practicing the use of my right turn signal I waved…  “Thanks Officer - see you at Starbucks soon!”   

Perhaps you're tracking with me now?

After church today, while I was still thinking about the “Jesus would…” bumper sticker and howquickly my mind jumped to Starbucks; I giggled at how my boys are branded as well.
It started on a  a Saturday morning.  
I was preparing for a workout.  I had yet to put on my tennis shoes, when Jeffrey said:   “Mom, you are NOT going to wear those Adidas over your Nike socks, are you?”  
By the sound of his question you would have thought the world was ending or I was violating the some athletic code of honor -- the very idea that I would mix my brands.  
However, by the time I had both shoes on (yes, over my Nike sport socks) and had asked a few probing questions, I received a very thorough discourse on Nike's use of high-quality polyester fabrics explainly quite clearly and exactly why Nike products (not just shoes) are better than Adidas.  
"Hmmm, interesting."
I managed to sound very grateful for the lesson as I departed for the gym wearing my very competitive athletic fashion faux pas footwear – sheesh.   I figure I will get a great workout keeping the two brands in check.
It's all about the health benefits after all! 
Inasmuch as I should be drinking water instead of coffee right now, I am a rebel for flavor as I sip my iced latte – which I made at home with non-Starbucks coffee beans, and am happily content to drink it from my Starbucks personalized cup!!    
AAAAuuggghhh say its not so!!!

tee hee ~ I feel like such a rebel!!

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