
Branded by product or rebel for health!

In church today the minister quoted a bumper sticker:   
   “Jesus would’ve used his turn signal
Which is what reminded me of Starbucks.

Okay, perhaps that’s a big stretch for you  – but just about anything can remind me of that delightful aroma of coffee brewing and the hope that I can fill my personal Starbucks cup with a delectable 16oz,  two Splenda iced latte … 

Uhh, are you following me?   

Now I’m feeling guilty that you might not be able to track how I got from turn signals to Starbucks …

Let me start again… it goes like this: 

I like lattes! During the week, I frequent a particular Starbucks; due to my full time job I have only 15 minutes for a break and must travel quickly to my destination a few blocks down the road.
About the third time I was there – standing in line – one of our county Sheriffs noticed me; he approached me by asking what I do for my employer; he addressed the agency by name, which he recognized the department from my security lanyard -- which explains why he was rather direct (a bit of a relief after all, as I was feeling somewhat uneasy that he was staring so intently at my … ummm  navel).
Any who – we’ve since said hello a number of times while getting coffee;  even sat to visit once while awaiting my latte with a co-worker.  Sheriff *Starr drives an unmarked vehicle – I know this because I saw him pull a guy over on my way to work one day (* not his real name, but given where we met, it’s apropos).
He’s apparently noticed what I drive too; I proved this last week.  As I was leaving work (with my window down enjoying the sun), I made a left turn headed toward home, while listening to my radio and beginning to make a call to my dad (using my headset of course). 
It was at that very moment a familiar car pulled up next to me.  What a surprise –it was Sheriff Starr – he called out to me through his passenger window “HELLO!!”  followed by  “you know, last I recall, turn signals are still required at that intersection!”   
OOPS!!!   =0) 
 “ Ohh, of course!   Hi ~ it’s so nice to see you … I’ll remember that!”   I called back, practicing the use of my right turn signal I waved…  “Thanks Officer - see you at Starbucks soon!”   

Perhaps you're tracking with me now?

After church today, while I was still thinking about the “Jesus would…” bumper sticker and howquickly my mind jumped to Starbucks; I giggled at how my boys are branded as well.
It started on a  a Saturday morning.  
I was preparing for a workout.  I had yet to put on my tennis shoes, when Jeffrey said:   “Mom, you are NOT going to wear those Adidas over your Nike socks, are you?”  
By the sound of his question you would have thought the world was ending or I was violating the some athletic code of honor -- the very idea that I would mix my brands.  
However, by the time I had both shoes on (yes, over my Nike sport socks) and had asked a few probing questions, I received a very thorough discourse on Nike's use of high-quality polyester fabrics explainly quite clearly and exactly why Nike products (not just shoes) are better than Adidas.  
"Hmmm, interesting."
I managed to sound very grateful for the lesson as I departed for the gym wearing my very competitive athletic fashion faux pas footwear – sheesh.   I figure I will get a great workout keeping the two brands in check.
It's all about the health benefits after all! 
Inasmuch as I should be drinking water instead of coffee right now, I am a rebel for flavor as I sip my iced latte – which I made at home with non-Starbucks coffee beans, and am happily content to drink it from my Starbucks personalized cup!!    
AAAAuuggghhh say its not so!!!

tee hee ~ I feel like such a rebel!!



Its more than a state of mind – it’s a country all its own!!

At work I have been in training; full-time if you count 7 hours/day as such; this schedule will continue until July.  

To describe the new information as enlightening; well … I’d say it’s the difference between seeing the stars from the city or driving far from the street lights into the darkest part of the country field and turning off the headlights – then looking up and discovering what the night sky is all about – WOW!!!   Who knew there was such a vast amount of data, support and tools to perform my job!!

I love learning new things… I’m having fun investigating dead trails and finding a hint of new data which may lead another direction; best of all the adrenaline rush from updating case information and clearing alerts from my caseload!  =)   Woo hoo, found another one.

My trainer reminds me that I’m doing well for being the newest CSI on the block!   (Not that I chase criminals, but  “child support” is a great cause.) 


Technology allows my trainer to be 45 miles away with access to my screen and speaking to me by phone (long day wearing a headset); we discuss info on my computer screen while I logon to somewhere between 5-10 different security screens and verbally analyze, follow case leads, and narrative each case. 

So by the end of the day I am tired of viewing a glowing screen, speaking words, and typing yet one more password to gain access to yet another program; as much as my heart is blogging while I drive and sit by the pool to relax—I am barely able to recall those thoughts or to write something new, creative and/or slightly interesting.


Thus, if you’ve wondered why I’m still saying hello to the sunshine – well, I am still happy about that.  But, ultimately you’ve haven’t missed much if you noticed that I skipped the past two weeks.


International travel is exhausting and I hope to soon be leaving the country of Busy-ness and returning to my former state of simplicity with less baggage, presenting gifts of knowledge and gratitude.






Hello Sunshine!!!

WOWWW!!  How I love to see your smile!!
Is it true, are my  freshly painted toenails finally going to see the sunshine through my recently unboxed springy-summery sandals??  
Hah!   A couple days ago I nearly posted a blog about the weather ... but I thought I might jinx the weather report, but  {tee hee} the sun came out and I didn't have to post my disgust for yet another day of rain!!!
It's a very bright, cheery day for reasons far beyond the sun!   It's Friday!  I woke up at some unreasonable morning hour to put on workout gear and meet King G at the gym!!   
What a treat.   Of course it's hard to tell him how much I enjoyed the training he arranged this morning; because his computer is deleting all my messages as spam or average junk mail... WHHaat up with that King?   Anywho, I sure hope your people get that fixed soon.  I'm really not into losing connection with any more friends who I hold dear.  
Since you are reading my blog, you will get the update on how easy it was to wake up at that "much too early" hour this morning.   You know how it feels when the alarm is set for an early hour due to catching a flight for vacation... it's not as hard to wake up when you know you're going to that hot sandy beach somewhere fabulous and  "WARM" (did I already say this)?   
My ringtone played a fun little tune and my eyes popped wide open to the morning -- whoo hoo!!!   I'm going to the gym to meet King today -- I get to work out for an hour and a half!!  YEAAHH!
Never once did I think about the fact that I would be going to work afterward and there will be 8 hours of computer screen viewing, reading/proofing legal documents,  and communicating sensibly with co-workers or other peps out there...   uhhh, til now!!
Day is half over and I am remembering what it feels like to get less sleep than necessary.  
Which reminds me..  THANK YOU King G for showing up just for ME!!!   (I'm thinkin' you got less sleep than I did.  Hope you took a nap!)
Blessings to all and I hope you get to be in the sunshine.    I will feel it's warmth through the window while waiting for (leaning against) the copy machine.


Whh... ???

There's a common theme to my blog thinking lately… 


Why is it that I can have an ongoing mental blog while driving in the car, taking a shower, waiting in the grocery line … and even while roaming the parking lot looking for my all-too popular style SUV . . . yet, when I sit down with fingers on the keyboard, I find myself staring vacantly at my light purple very blank screen. 

That noise you couldn't possibly have heard seconds ago was my mind expressing a high screeching sound … PFFFFPFPPFPFTTTppppppppppppppppfffffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pfpfttt … you know, like a balloon releasing air and flying about one's head.  Ever try catching a balloon as the air exits?   


What is up with that anyway? What gives? What is wrong with my blog thought retention gene? Hmmm.   What are you doing still reading this jumble of words?


Who said you could just sit there and laugh?  Feeling no sympathy?! Well, you're not being much help at all!  

It's not as though I am without material for blogging.  Oh, my life, my boys, my friends give me all kinds of great topics to blog; but I find it necessary to wait until the day is over to blog it all.  

However, by then I'm so wiped out from thinking at work, then catering to hungry boys after daycare, play time, home work review, shower time, reading time, night time routine to find stuff for back packs, notes for bus rides, money for lunch finally then comes bedtime (for them anyway).


WHEN will I ever complete a blog without over editing or cramping my brain to remember what made it such a good topic to write about in the first place. Sheeshh!

When does a girl let go and just enjoy her new authenticity?  I'm not complaining -- I'm holding securely to all my happy smiles and the unique, funny way I see the world now, uncontrolled by a specific view (besides it wasn't my own and was rather limiting)… no regrets, no takebacks - no way!


Wondering if it's an electrical short from the keyboard that travels through my fingers, up my arms and all the way to my brainoidal blog memory – uhh, clearly there are voids or data would remain intact for future use. 


Where in the world do those mental blogs go when they flutter and fizzle out of my brain? You think they'd be kind enough to land on a piece of paper somewhere so I could retrieve them later, maybe let me scan them in so I don't have to worry about losing them through my finger tips. 

So the final question is:


How in the heck am I going to recover the blog thought that disappeared as I sat down?

Great idea… I'll avoid it altogether and ramble on about next to nothing until I have vented a little frustration and can go to bed with a clear mind.

Hah! Nicely done, blog friend. 

That will work, until such time I'm in bed and poof…    that's right, I remember now! 





Sillyness, Sweetness...

all the good things in life.
life is funny
cousins are sweet
brothers can be silly
and LOVE makes my world go 'round ...