
Brief update ...

Some things change:

like the color and year of my CRV  ...   

    my ability to work full time ... 

         and NOT being allowed to workout at the gym ... 

Some things, well ... not so much.

I was leaving work yesterday -- after my 4 hours (limited service until doctor releases me for full-time) -- and once again amazed myself in my innate ability to lose my car; although, I do try to park in the same general area daily to avoid such confusion.

The search begins immediately as I walk out the front door, looking first toward my typical parking spots, remembering oh, that's right I arrived later and drove around.  As I survey the parking lot I give right-of-way to a car as it exits the lot... trying not to look obvious about losing track of my car.

Resolved in my mind if I start walking maybe I'll remember which direction to search; as I get closer to the vehicle parked directly across from the entry I decide it's prudent to push the unlock button on the key faub...  I will watch the lights flash and see where my car is (how clever of me, eh?)

Watching for lights I laugh ... as the one two feet in front of me is mine.   No really!!  I don't make this stuff up --  it can't get any more obvious than that!   I proceed to enter my car as though I knew it was mine all along.  Quickly apologizing to my lovely little car for forgetting what color it was and who it belongs to.   hummph.


And then begin the memories of those awesome days I used to workout with King G at the gym (daily, but even more miss the Fridays only now).   I would walk out of the gym and inevitably lose my car among the many SUVs in the lot ... truly surprised at how many silver ones park in the same area as mine -- and ultimately feel totally embarrassed when I would try opening the door of the wrong car.
=(    Yep, those were the days!

Ah, but now I my car is darker, its charcoal or graphite or metallic something-or-other gray ... it looks so different I have to bump into before I recognize it.   Hah!

Some things NEVER change -- at least I always enjoy a good laugh!


1 comment:

  1. You are so funny, friend! I'm glad to hear some things never change.


Whaddya thinkin?