
free therapy ...

and it wasn't even MY birthday!!

Thanks King G for a most excellent session ~ 

and the workout was great too!!   

Enjoy your day!  =D

Happy Birthday - King G !!!


he writes …

Age Poem

At twelve I lived for the delicious chocolate-chip cookies my Mom and I made on Wednesday nights.

I lived for rock-band and staying up till 11:00 pm playing the endless setlist 1.

I lived for the endless nerf wars that 'the Jeffreys' and I would have (that they would win).

I lived for the times when we all would cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.

I lived for the times when Jeffrey and I would play fetch with Eddie and Jeffrey would hit the stop-sign 150 ft away

I lived for my friends and family and the help they have given me.

I lived for the times where we would play Mario Kart and watch Mom lose … horribly.

I lived because I wanted to Live.

But what I really live for is music, for getting into the emotion of the song and falling like a feather into the dark blue sea of emotion, music and love.

So music is what I really live for.

By: Jason Lyon
(Age Poem - 2010)


UP, UP & aaaa….

whooahhh wait a second – no up, up … or awaaay? 


Auughhh …  sploooshhh, whoosh, and whirl into a horrible vortex of thoughts … spiraling downward with such momentum – unable to swim free from the mind-trap.  

Know what…?  I hate swimming; fear of drowning in deep water — very bad mo-jo.

Cold, dazed and confused… can I wake up now?  


Yep, that's pretty much the sad description of an hour (or two) of my life today. 

You see,
usually when my mind wanders and thoughts endlessly flood my brain, they take me daydreaming or dream-playing or something much like a helium balloon floating up, up and away; with grace and poise {no water here} I’m delicately cloud hopping; drifting aimlessly into the blue skies and hot sunny days of summer.


“Usually” is the key word there …

Yet, conversely my bitter vortex of groossh ( 
gross outpouring of sh-ouldn’t says ) was so depressing and impulsive that I almost didn’t recognize myself. 

Now that, my friend, is startling in itself; need I say more?


What I learned, however, is just how important it is to wake up on the “right side” of a vortex mind-trap or it will ensnare you in the spiral of aimless swill!


Thank God for close co-workers, BfF, and my Sweet-T who reminded me it's better not to swim alone, Dory … 

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming"
