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    Belief Statement Essay
          Visualize all the bloody cold wars coming to a halt because we learned to treat each other equally.

I believe we should all act equally, but have our own unique personalities.  I believe this because I have been treated unfairly, and it just doesn’t feel right.  You almost want to start a war in retaliation because it has such a bad feeling on your life.
        Here is my perspective on the chain of events that ends up in death, war and other nasty stuff like that.

        Stage 1, the Kid. The kid feels bad about something or he/she’s getting bored and he figures out some one’s weakness and exploits it to get a reaction. They begin to think it’s funny and start to get as many of their friends/others to join in. The person becomes such an out-cast that the teasing is no-longer teasing and it’s now just being mean. Then when the so called out-cast tries to tell a teacher, the teacher says something and will not commit to it (not all teachers are that way). That is not being equal or nice; whatever someone might say it will never be equal.

            Stage 2, the Bully. The kid soon feels power making fun of the kid and starts to make fun of others too. The kid becomes the bully and gets in trouble more than the other kids. He soon gets more people to get in trouble and then the school is wreck. None of that would happen if we all treated each other equal.

            Stage 3, the Criminal. The bully grows-up and thinks that nothing will happen if he hurts or kills someone. SO the criminal starts a gang and robs small banks, starts drugs and eventually it’s a bad city. Then the cops retaliate with a war on crime. If only the kid treated the other person EQUAL then none of that would have happened.

        Here is why I say we should all be unique. Without being different (in a good way) it would be like taking away color in the entire world. You couldn’t play slug-bugs; you wouldn’t care about a rain-bow, and you couldn’t paint a beautiful picture because, well, it would have been painted already. So we all need to treat each-other equally but still have our own beliefs and religions.

        There would be no wars because no one could be left-out; we would accept everyone into our society and no-one would feel sad unless some-one died; then everyone who knew him would be as sad just as if their father died.

        We would all be happy, there would be no crime because no-one would want make others have a miserable life. We could support each-other and no-one would be homeless to. We still may have a president who makes decisions, but he will never be more important than anyone else. There would be winning and losing but there would be no bragging or higher rank. We would have supported those in need by giving our own work/labor for free.

I believe we all need to treat everyone equally,
but still remain unique.

I believe, we all have a purpose.

by Jason Lyon

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