
Caution falling plates...

I've wanted so desperately to prove to myself how capable I am of spinning a multitude of plates. Those plates varying in size and fragility ~ all in motion at once, different speeds, yet simultaneously whirring in a rhythm undetectable as music, but still a slight hum is noticeable.
As delicate as plate-spinning can be, it becomes quite a display of skill for a single working mom-2-boys (feels more like throwing a Thanksgiving platter) must remain in perfect speed and motion at all times; and I've learned it takes a great deal of focus to keep an eye on balance and speed as it [the platter] sets the pace for all others.
I noticed most recently the healthy balance of fun twirling as a girlfriend; best-friend; sister; daughter; auntie; and workout partner are falling short of a full spin... { must keep spinning; glance, touch, tiny blocks of time carved out ... yes, a brief spin achieved - nothing broken; keep moving}.
Not that any of the responsibilities uhh plates spin without effort; they are charged to effectively spin to whatever their role in the rhythm... whether "Chief Chef" of fast {yet semi-healthy hopefully hearty} meals for 2boys; the ever eager computer dazed CSI at work; the positive, encouraging business-owner; finally and possibly even with some semblance of energy and ability must maintain the plates of merry maid; apt accountant; cheerful chauffeur; delightful director of daily events ... and ... umm ... blurry-eyed blogger [there are many more, but I'm exhausted already] ... and to think I wished to be a City Farm Girl {not too sad about the lack of a green thumb now}.
Ooohh the thought of what's on those plates marked "not yet in motion" or the ones Dory forgot were in motion [hi, did you see a plate spinning by here?].
There it was...
you know... the thought that triggered the tiny spasm of stress that twitched the itty bitty finger that caused the wrist to wiggle which skewed the first moving orb to tweak off center ... sending all things into slow motion {as life seems to be moments before) THE CRASH!
The rest they say is history ~ you know, the part only a therapist knows because to the untrained eye the plates still appear to be spinning quite well; but all things simply seem normal due to a special skill in positive self-talk where the world sees the result of what is whispered to ones self as truth!
I am a capable, successful plate spinner. I love spinning these plates. My plates spin in perfect timing and speed. When I spin my plates with grace and patience the other plates will seem to spin themselves. All plates spin well when I touch them. =)
Uh-oh, oops, oh-no, you'd better duck ~ plates in motion!!


  1. I am thinking your plates spin so fast and so smoothly that you make it look easy. But, my friend, I know it isn't. Here's to you, Supergirl.

  2. *ducks* Hang in there girl! Without so many plates to spin life would be so dull.

  3. Thanks ... =)

    BTW - did I forget to list on-call Nurse?
    Day 2 of Jason home with flu -- hmmph!!

    spin ... re-start crooked dish . . . SPPPIINNN ok gotta go; I need to be pharmacist now!


Whaddya thinkin?